
Herman Cain's Commentary Archive 2009-2012

May 16, 2010

Optimism in the midst of bad news

May 16, 2010
By Herman Cain

We learned some more bad news last week about ObamaCare. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has now reported that ObamaCare is projected to cost an additional $115 billion, and will exceed $1 trillion over the next 10 years.

This latest revelation about ObamaCare is just another installment on a coming financial and health care disaster. The legislation was supposed to reduce the federal deficit, according to the president and the Democrats in Congress, but it will not.

I will repeat a previous observation. No social program in the history of the United States of America has ever hit or come in below projected budget.

As more and more people have gone from “concerned” to “fearful” about the future of this country due to fiscal irresponsibility and the current lack of effective leadership in Washington, D.C., there are still some compelling reasons to be optimistic about the future of our nation.

The Founders of this nation did not put “In God We Trust” on all of our currency by accident. It was a bedrock belief, and it still is today despite the liberals’ attempt to have people believe otherwise. The president’s declaration on his first world apology tour that we are not a Christian nation is dead wrong. We are indeed a Christian and God-believing nation, based on the faith of an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Disagreeing with the president makes me a racist according to liberal political correctness. But I guess it depends on their definition of racist, because the last time I looked in the mirror I was still a very black American not afraid to speak up and speak out.

Even though the Democrats’ latest legislative actions have ignored the will of the people, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, those founding documents still confirm that we the people are in charge of this country. We just have to exercise our voices louder and stronger for those founding conservative principles, and vote the right way at voting time.

Too many people were fooled by President Obama’s promise of “hope and change” without knowing what kind of change he was talking about. Now they know, and many of them, not all, will make some changes in November 2010 and November 2012.

The recent elections of Governor Chris Christie in New Jersey and Senator Scott Brown in Massachusetts are two more compelling reasons for optimism. They were not supposed to win, but the majority of the voters thought otherwise.

We can also be optimistic about the fact that Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Majority Leader in the Senate, is trailing at least three Republicans running in the primary race to be decided in June. That’s no guarantee that a Republican will win in November because of dirty politics and Harry Reid’s sizable campaign war chest, but this is the first time in a long time that the chances have been this great.

I also continue to be encouraged by the consistent Gallup poll result that conservatives outnumber liberals two to one, and moderates outnumber liberals nearly two to one. That means that if only half of the moderates have seen the light on this president and the Democrats, then conservatives can win in November and re-establish some balance of power in Congress. Right now there is no balance of power. It’s all about the Democrats’ insatiable grab for power.

In a recent commencement speech at Hampton University, the president said that people having access to too much information was putting a strain on democracy. On the contrary, people who are becoming smarter about what they are being told by the president and the Democrats are helping to liberate our representative democracy.

Oops! I disagreed with the president again. My bad!

Optimism in a sea of bad news is our real hope for the right kind of change.