
Herman Cain's Commentary Archive 2009-2012

April 24, 2011

Obama’s energy policy: Blame at the pump


President Obama recently said that the economic situation was worse than they expected when he took office. That’s code for “blame Bush” again for Obama’s failed economic policies, which have not stimulated the economy.

He has chastised the business sector for sitting on over $2 trillion in accumulated cash instead of hiring people they do not need. That’s blaming the business sector for not making stupid decisions to prop up his failed policies.

April 11, 2011

Let foreign profits come home


For decades, Democrats have insisted on taxing profits generated by U.S. companies in foreign countries, because they thought it would force businesses to keep the investments in the U.S.


The unintended consequences were just the opposite effect. A business-friendly environment always works better than force.

April 3, 2011

Energy independence requires bold goals, bold leadership


Herman Cain

The president believes in energy security. I believe in energy independence. In case you missed the president’s weekly radio address, here is what the White House released on energy security, so I will not be accused of not understanding what they meant. The title of the address was “Energy Security Can Only Come If We Invest in Cleaner Fuels and Greater Efficiency.”

WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama discussed his strategy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and secure our nation’s energy future.  When the President was elected, America imported eleven million barrels of oil a day.  This week he announced a bold, but achievable goal of cutting this number by one-third by 2025.